Monday, February 28, 2011

Common Risks Face By Property Flippers

The first thing that should be noted is that flipping houses is a great way to bring home a rather large profit in a relatively short amount of time when doing so in a seller's market so to speak. The problem is that we currently seem to be experiencing what is known as a buyer's market from one end of the United States to another. Foreclosures are at an all time high, which means that the market has suddenly been saturated with properties for sale.

While this is excellent news (believe it or not) when it comes to getting your hands on a property at a lower price, it also makes a difficult time of convincing buyers to pay top dollar when there are better bargains down the road. This of course is one of the primary risks involved in the real estate investment venture that is known as flipping properties. The massive profits that most investors seek cannot be accomplished if the property cannot be purchased, rehabbed, and sold quickly.

Unfortunately, at the moment, very few properties in any city are selling too terribly quickly. The worst case scenario in a situation like this is that you are forced to either absorb the loss (which can in extreme cases result in serious financial hardship or bankruptcy) or rent the property out (which will in most cases negate all the efforts that were made to rehab the property. An inability to sell the property that is being flipped is probably the worst fear of every property investor who engages in this sort of investment. In these cases it is often better to drop the price and take a loss than hold out for a better price risking further losses in the future.

These are not the only risks associated with flipping properties unfortunately. Another risk would be the risk of seriously underestimating the amount of money that will be required in order to do the necessary work. This is something that many first time investors find is a fairly common occurrence. Most people have unrealistic expectations of exactly how far their dollars will go when it comes to investing in the materials and labor needed to properly rehab a property. Even minor cosmetic repairs throughout a house can easily run into several thousands of dollars in order to repair. The flip side is that once these repairs are made the potential profits run into several tens of thousands of dollars.

Another risk that isn't often considered is the risk of overestimating abilities. This is one risk that costs not only precious time but valuable money as well. Not only is material wasted in the process of discovering you aren't exactly skilled in any particular tasks but also there are further expenses (often unplanned) involved in hiring the professional to repair the damage and replace the material that was wasted. When in doubt, it is almost always best to hire a professional if at all possible. This also leads to missing deadlines, going seriously off schedule, and adding yet another mortgage payment (if not more than one) to the overall price of the project.

The final risk is often something that simply cannot be seen or anticipated. This was experienced in the days immediately following 9-11 and should not be forgotten. The unforeseen happens every day. Markets crash; local economies can be devastated by the announcement of a major employer that it is going out of business (thinks of the collapse of companies such as Enron and World Comm and what they did to local economies). In these instances, the market will take quite a while to recover from the shock to its system and 'flippers' among other investors are often left feeling just as lost and devastated as those that were victimized by these companies-both through no fault of their own.

Stuff happens and those things that we have absolutely no control over are almost always the things that affect us most profoundly. The same holds true when it comes to property investment. The state of the economy, the housing market in an area, and sudden announcements that affect either can often have the most profound impact on those who are investing in property in those areas whether for better or for worse. The trick is in deciding which risks are acceptable.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Orlando real estate - The land of Disney

Yes, getting a piece of Orlando real estate is indeed a very attractive proposition. For a lot of people, buying Orlando real estate is like becoming a part of Disney or Universal Studios or just any theme park. Some others are attracted to Orlando real estate due to the moderate climatic conditions. So owning Orlando real estate speaks both of comfort and fun.

Some treat Orlando real estate as an investment for their retirement. In fact a lot of people buy Orlando real estate just so that they can settle in Orlando later in their lives. When it comes to investing in Orlando real estate, vacation homes also seem a popular thing. A number of people go for properties that are in Disney’s proximity.

Renting out vacation homes is a popular thing and some people invest in Orlando real estate so that they can earn rental income till the time there decide to actually live in that property. With some tour operators offering rental guarantee, the vacation homes are gaining a lot of popularity in Orlando.

Sometimes people are even able to pay their monthly mortgage payments using the monthly rental income from the vacation homes. However, if you go looking for Orlando real estate (for getting rental income), you must make sure that you buy it as close to the theme parks as possible.

That is where you will get the most in terms of rental income from your Orlando real estate investment. So, even though you might have to pay a bit more for that piece of Orlando real estate, you should also consider the fact that the rental income will also increase in the same proportion. Moreover, going for a vacation home that is cheaper but much farther from Disney and other attractions, might not get rented out at all. So that cheaper piece of Orlando real estate might actually turn out more expensive for you.

However, if you are looking to live in by yourself, then the proximity to theme parks might not be your priority. Instead you should be looking for convenience, in terms of comfort and in terms of availability of necessary amenities (and if you have kids then you would also be looking for schools etc). Of course, other/general criteria for selection of real estate would be applicable to Orlando real estate too.

So, Orlando real estate investment does seem to make a lot of sense. The only important thing is to evaluate the reason for going for Orlando real estate and then make a good decision.

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Second Home: Take it or Leave it?

For many, wanderlust is just a part of life. You buy a beautiful home somewhere, settle down, have a family, but there is always a part of you that’s itching to get away. Vacations are part of that wanderlust; the chance to get away someplace beautiful. And then you see it. The local newspaper at your vacation destination, and lo and behold, there is a real estate section right there. Dare you even look? You can’t afford it, can you? Two homes? Is dual home ownership for you?

A second home can work for you, but you have to go into the process knowing what to expect. If you’re looking to get rich quick, don’t count on it. According to recent data, the price of real estate in areas that are deemed “Vacation Markets” has risen twice as fast as real estate in other areas. So, not only is a second home in your destination of choice going to cost you a pretty penny, it’s no longer a well-kept secret anymore and the chances of you flipping it to make a quick buck are slim.

The best piece of advice a possible vacation home buyer can heed right now is to buy for love not for money. Recent sharp downturns in vacation markets like Naples, Florida, Lake Tahoe, Nevada and Cape Cod, Massachusetts, have shown that trying to turn a profit in a vacation market is close to impossible. But there is a bright side to all of this. With the housing bubble going poof all across the country, those that are looking to sell will be doing so at lower prices. Now could be a great time to buy a place that you’re planning on keeping for a long while.

But how do you know if you have your head on straight about the whole thing? Well, take some time and evaluate the pluses and minuses of buying another home. Once you’ve decided on a area, spend some time there to make sure you like it. If it’s going to be a vacation home, you’ll want the scenery to be relaxing (if that’s what you’re looking for) or exciting (if that’s what you go on vacation to experience). A final check should be the bottom-line cost. If the price of the two houses makes up more than one third of your total income, you’ve spent too much.

Buying property is a huge investment for everyone, even the rich. Take the time to properly evaluate the pros and cons before you decide to own a second home or you could find yourself on a permanent vacation.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Buying a Home Overseas: Practical?

For those of us that have been lucky enough to travel to Europe, Asia or Australia from North America, we have seen some of the most beautiful land on Earth. The people, the sights and especially the food make international travel one of the most exotic and special things you can do. But what about making that trip to another country permanent? If you can afford a second home and the thought of spending your summers in the Hamptons isn’t doing it for you, what about buying a little place in Italy? Or Ireland? Here are some tips on making your dream a reality.

First off, rest assured that you’re not the first person to do this. It’s estimated that about four million US citizens live abroad right now. The first thing you should do is check the local country’s property rights. There are websites run by the International Real Estate Association that can tell you if it’s even legal for non-residents of a country to own land there. You should also check with the US Government about the stability of a particular region. Remember, if you vacationed somewhere nice, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily safe once you leave the resort.

The next step would be to seek out a real estate broker in that particular country for help. This is when a possible language barrier could be a problem. Luckily, there are websites available that will have links to international brokers who do speak English. A broker who is familiar with the local laws and customs of the region you’re looking to move to will be able to help you find out how the local laws work when it comes to real estate.

Another good tip is that you should expect to pay cash. Most countries don’t have as sophisticated a system for loans and mortgages as the US and Canada, so you are looking at either paying cash or if you are looking to move somewhere where you might be able to get a loan, a down payment of almost 50 percent wouldn’t be unusual. If that’s too rich for your blood, you might want to think twice about the whole thing.

Being able to retire in that pretty Tuscan villa overlooking the vineyards is a dream millions of Americans have, and while it may only become a reality for a select few, you CAN make it happen with proper planning, a helpful heaping of common sense and a few tips to help you on your way.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Credit History can Bite you in the Butt

A recent study has shown that the number of people who pay more than they should for their mortgage is rising. And if you look at the surface, the number one reason this rise is happening is because of race.

A study done by the Federal Reserve shows that around 55 percent of African-American borrowers pay higher than normal interest on their mortgages. But it’s not just the African-American community. The same study showed that 46 percent of people who identify as Latino also pay more due to a higher than average interest rate on their loan. As for Caucasians, only 17 percent of borrowers fell into that category.

The overall numbers of people who pay more than the average interest rate is up considerably, from 11.5 to 24.6 percent in the last two years.

While these numbers appear to be caused by rampant racism amongst seemingly all lenders, there might be another explanation. The connection between the interest rate offered and the borrowers credit history.

The interest rate that is offered on a mortgage loan is directly proportional to the amount of risk the lender feels that they are taking. If you have sparkling credit, the chances of you getting the best possible interest rate are fantastic. On the other hand, if you have declared bankruptcy or if there are any other black marks on your credit history, the chances of you getting a great loan are almost zero.

Another possible culprit is the rise in speciality loans that have gained in popularity over the last few years. While the idea of buying a house without a down payment was once a rarity, these days, it’s fairly common. And in almost all cases when this happens, the interest rates are higher because the lender is taking an additional risk by not having a down payment.

Sometimes, home buyers are agreeing to let the closing costs associated with buying a home be figured into the interest rate. Again, this is a less than honest way for a family to buy a home with very little to no cash on hand. The catch is, of course, that you will end up paying significantly more over time than if you had just paid the closing costs up front.

While no one can suggest that racism is dead in America, it is possible that while African-Americans and Latinos pay more for their mortgages, it could be caused by various other factors that may or may not be connected to a persons’ race.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Are you House Poor?

The great American Dream has always revolved around owning a home. Sure, having the 2.3 kids, the cushy corporate job and the stylish car to drive to work everyday are part of the myth, too, but nothing quite summed up Americana quite like the white picket fence. But if recent economic numbers are any clue, this dream is becoming a nightmare for many in the US.

According to date released by the United States Census Bureau, an increasing number of homeowners are spending a larger and larger amount of their incomes on housing than in previous years. People in 49 out of 50 states reported an increase. The only state that didn’t, Alaska, spent the same amount. The report showed that people are spending around 21 percent on their housing needs, up from 19 percent in 1999.

This is a huge problem for first-time buyers who may now be priced out of housing markets all across the country. Economists point to rises in home prices in the last 7 years, as well as higher interest rates, coupled with stagnant wages over the same period.

While everyone seems to be in agreement that the housing “bubble” is either bursting, or getting ready to burst depending on where you live, housing prices are still up a remarkable 32 percent since the beginning of the decade.

Household incomes, on the other hand, haven’t done a very good job of keeping up. The same Census report showed that income has actually dropped, not risen, over the past 7 years, down 2.8 percent.

Maybe the worst news in the report was the percent of people who allot more than 30% of their income for housing. The numbers are up almost 8%. National guidelines suggest that more than 30% of household income for housing is excessive and not financially healthy.

What does this mean in the long run?

Most experts agree that until income can catch up to housing, the real estate market will remain lifeless. And since real estate is one of the biggest drivers to the overall economy, a weak real estate market means a weak economy.

Things appear to be the worst in California. Not only do they have the most expensive real estate in the nation, 48 percent of California homeowners spend more than 30% of their income on housing related costs.

Until income can begin to grow as quickly as the real estate market, this trend shows no signs of slowing down. Which could mean that the upcoming real estate slump could last much longer than anyone predicted.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Canadian Markets Hot and Cold

For many Americans, Canada has been a refuge from instability for generations. Canada was the final destination for thousands of runaway slaves before the American Civil war, and then later during Viet Nam, for draftees that felt the war was unjust. The slow and steady migration to Canada continues to this day, although it’s mostly to get away from gun violence and George W. Bush. For those looking to buy real estate in Canada, the third quarter numbers had both good and bad news.

The good news? Canadian real estate is on a record pace in 2006.

The bad news? The third quarter numbers are down sharply from the second quarter of this year, and even down from the third quarter of last year. What does all this mean?

It basically means that Canada’s sizzling real estate market is still hotter than ever, but that it can’t keep up the incredible pace that it’s been on.

Breaking down the numbers, Canadian real estate is down 6 percent compared to the same quarter last year, and down 2.5 percent from the second quarter of this year, according to the Canadian Real Estate Association.

Overall, sales during the first nine months of this year are still up over the same nine months from last year, but things do appear to be slowing down.

The hardest hit cities during the third quarter slow down were Vancouver, home of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, red-hot Calgary, which is still booming thanks to the local oil industry, and Toronto. Sales in Edmonton, Alberta and Hamilton, Ontario are actually up for the third quarter, helping to offset the losses in other cities.

Proving that the incredible Canadian real estate market is still on fire, year-to-date sales records were set in various cities all across the country in the third quarter. Montreal, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Saskatoon, Edmonton and Calgary all reported record sales for this year.

The average price for a home in Canada has been sky rocketing in recent years, with the total now at $258,000 (US dollars) up from $234.000 just in the last calendar year.

This real estate frenzy is being led by the province of Alberta and their incredible economy. The cities of Calgary and Edmonton, which reported their highest level of new real estate listings ever in the third quarter. Montreal and Toronto reported their second highest amounts of new listings for any quarter, as well.

The Canadian real estate market is still breaking records and making money despite the third quarter downturn. The breakneck pace simply couldn’t be sustained. But if you’re looking to move north of the border, do so knowing that it might cost you a few more loonies than you thought.